Crafting Effective Order Shipped Email Templates

We've got best practices, design tips, and templates for your order shipped emails so you can impress and inform your customers.


Crafting Your Order Shipped Email Template

Effective communication during the shipping process is paramount for ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. Order shipped emails serve as a direct channel to keep customers informed about their orders, providing crucial updates and enhancing the overall post-purchase experience. In this blog post, we'll delve into the best practices for crafting compelling order shipped emails, accompanied by real-life examples and practical templates to inspire your email campaigns.

Importance of Order Shipped Emails

Order shipped emails serve as a direct line of communication between your business and customers, offering essential information to keep them informed about the progress of their orders. By delivering timely updates, such as tracking details and expected delivery dates, these emails play a vital role in enhancing the customer experience and fostering trust in your brand.

Benefits of Well-Crafted Order Shipped Emails

  1. Customer Engagement: Order shipped emails provide an opportunity to engage customers throughout the shipping process, keeping them excited and informed about their purchases. Transactional emails are opened at a much higher rate than marketing emails, so you'll want to make sure that those guaranteed additional touch points aren't going to waste and provide value to your customers.
  2. Improved Customer Satisfaction: Accurate and timely shipping updates reduce customer anxiety and frustration, leading to enhanced satisfaction and stronger relationships. If a customer doesn't know where their order is, they'll probably inbound to your support team asking, "Where is my order?". This kind of support ticket, also called a WISMO ticket, means your customer support team will have to take time to respond to each ticket. Whereas with proactive order tracking notifications, your customers won't have to ask your team where their order is because they'll have already gotten an email update.
  3. Repeat Business and Referrals: Positive experiences with order shipped emails can drive customer loyalty, repeat purchases, positive word-of-mouth referrals, increase brand awareness and following, and more to contribute to business growth and success. It might seem counter intuitive that a customer would make another purchase right after just having ordered, but the numbers don't lie. This Shopify brand is generating an additional $187k a month from their branded order tracking page.

Template for Order Shipped Emails

To create effective order shipped emails, it's essential to implement the following best practices:

  1. Include a Tracking Link: Provide customers with a direct call-to-action to track their orders in real-time, allowing them to monitor the progress of their shipments conveniently. The best type of order tracking goes beyond sending customers to a carrier tracking page (like USPS, FedEx, or USP page), and sends customers to a branded tracking page.
  2. Communicate Clear Delivery Details: Clearly communicate the expected delivery date and estimated time of arrival to set accurate customer expectations and reduce uncertainty.
  3. Incorporate Relevant Order Information: When crafting your order shipped email template, it's essential to address customer expectations by including all relevant information. Include pertinent details such as item names, quantities, and pricing to help customers identify their packages easily and confirm their contents.
  4. Personalize the Email Content: Address customers by their names and tailor the email content to match their specific order details, creating a personalized and attentive customer experience with branded tracking. Another way to personalize your transactional emails is to include dynamic product recommendations based on what your customer has purchased so you can show off other items that pair nicely with their purchase, best sellers, or new products. You'll want to maintain brand consistency across all of your customer communications, and tools like Malomo make it as easy to implement branded order tracking in your Shopify theme with 2-clicks.
  5. Optimize for the Mobile Experience: Ensure your order shipped email template is optimized for mobile devices. With an increasing number of customers accessing emails on smartphones and tablets, mobile responsiveness is crucial for delivering a seamless user experience.
  6. Monitor and Iterate: Continuously monitor the performance of your order shipped email and gather feedback from customers. Use shipping data, analytics, and reporting to make informed iterations and improvements over time, optimizing for better engagement and conversion rates.

Examples of Effective Order Shipped Emails

Let's explore real-life examples of effective order shipped emails that exemplify best practices and provide inspiration for your own campaigns:

  1. Briogeo: A skincare brand that excels in providing clear shipping updates and engaging content tailored to the customer's preferences.
  2. Soylent: A food subscription service that delivers timely and personalized shipping notifications, enhancing the overall customer experience.
  3. Kitsch: A fashion accessories brand that effectively utilizes persuasive language and compelling visuals to create excitement around order shipments.

Examples of shipping notifications

Branded transactional emails go beyond the 'order shipped' delivery stage and expand to every stage of the delivery process like 'order placed', 'out for delivery', 'delivered', and more!

Briogeo em

Briogeo tells their customers their order is shipping soon! What's their open rate and CTR on these transactional emails? 59% and 33%. Check out how they get those results

Check out how they get those results
Soylent subscriber

Soylent sends their subscribed customers their segmented Shipment Fulfilled email. Note their highlight of their referral program in their email!

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Kitsch oful email

Through our Klaviyo integration, Kitsch sends their customers a transactional email to let them know that their order has been fulfilled, which means that it will soon be shipped!

How to Implement an Order Shipped Email Template

One of the best and easiest ways to implement branded order shipping emails into your Shopify theme is to use Malomo's 2-Click Tracking Page Creator.

With Malomo, Shopify brands can seamlessly integrate their store's data to create personalized and visually engaging order shipped email templates. Branded order tracking provides merchants with customizable design options, allowing brands to maintain consistency with their brand identity while delivering clear and compelling shipping updates. Malomo-powered Shopify brands can streamline their order fulfillment process, increase customer engagement, and ultimately drive repeat business and loyalty.

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