Other reasons we stand out
Returns and exchanges tracking
For any brands in the Shopify/Shopify ecosystem, you'd probably agree that how a SaaS provider plays with other tech companies can make or break your tech stack. That's why we're constantly prioritizing innovating with our partners to maximize the benefit you and your team get through integrations. We're proud to say we're the first and only provider in the post-purchase space to integrate with Loop so that you can track and personalize the process around returns and exchanges.
The (accurate) data we surface
We know data is extremely important to brands, and that's why we continue to innovate on our shipment reporting dashboard, data points that can trigger notifications, and carrier analytics to provide the most value to the teams we work with. We surface a tremendous number of data points to your integrated apps for segmented transactional messaging. Plus, with your Shipping Analytics Command Center, all of your shipments, orders, and carrier information are in one place. You and your team can filter how you like, define your Problem Orders so they populate how you choose, and trigger notifications based on real-time updates. Not only that, but you can analyze your carrier data to see real-time performance and optimize your logistics. Learn more here!
Our support team
We believe we have the best team ever. And yes, we're a little biased. But here's where that transparency comes in--we've had brands leave Malomo for competitors only to come back months later because of the difference in service. We also recognize there's no way for us to show you how awesome our team is without speaking with us, so we'd love to hop on a call if you're looking to be convinced 💜.
We're time-tested and big brand-approved
We started our journey into Shopify post-purchase order tracking in 2018 when everyone was sending tracking notifications to bland and boring carrier pages. Ever since then, we've been working with some of the biggest Shopify brands like Summersalt, Caraway and Magic Spoon to help them build their brand with every shipment, reduce support tickets and drive up revenue after customers hit the "buy" button. We haven't slowed down and we won't back down from copy-cats.