S5 E13: Adding value to the online buying experience with educational content with Dallas Parsons (Senior Director of Marketing at Mixhers)


Dallas Parsons, Senior Director of Marketing at Mixhers, joins Retention Chronicles to discuss adding value to the ecommerce customer experience.

Dallas started at Mixhers as a customer success manager, so she knows exactly what their customers care about most after her first-hand experience. She’s since transitioned into their marketing department to focus on customer retention, email marketing, designing the customer experience, implementing marketing technology, loyalty programs, & more.

Like many ecommerce brands, Mixhers continues to focus on customer retention as customer acquisition costs (CAC) continue to rise. They chose to funnel their energy towards what was working for them - email marketing.

Dallas and her team decided to define an email marketing strategy that helped educate their customers. They did this by enabling a product quiz around which supplement would be the best for that customer based on their answers.

At face value, some ecommerce brand operators would argue that this isn’t a smart marketing approach as it could add friction to the online buying experience. But, the Mixhers team saw that it actually helped their customer’s buying experience and resulted in higher revenue. With more confidence in what product they were buying, Mixhers customers benefited largely from this addition.

Dallas tells Mariah about this decision and much more on this newest episode of Retention Chronicles.

Episode Timestamps:

  • 8:47 E-commerce retention strategies, including lifecycle marketing and customer acquisition costs

  • 15:03 Adding value to customer journey for subscription-based supplements

  • 21:16 Email and SMS marketing strategies for a supplement brand, including customer journey mapping and lifecycle marketing

  • 29:45 Developing a mobile app for tracking menstrual cycle and symptoms, with goals to increase brand trust and loyalty

  • 34:30 Returns and exchanges in the supplement industry, with a new product launch coming soon

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product, customers, quiz, mixers, purchase, supplements, app, insights, feel, podcast, brand, returns, subscription, rebrand, retention, consumers, love, lifecycle, track, email


Mariah Parsons, Dallas Parsons

Mariah Parsons 00:05

Greetings and welcome to retention Chronicles, the podcast with learnings from expert e commerce brands and partners. I'm your host, Ryan Parsons. If you're here, you're either on a quest for ecommerce enlightenment, or you accidentally clicked the wrong link. Either way, I am thrilled you stumbled into our corner of the internet. And I hope you'll stick around. We've got pearls of wisdom for everyone, whether you're running a multimillion dollar business, or simply just starting out on your entrepreneurial journey. Before we unleash the brilliance of today's guest, let's give a shout out to our podcast sponsor Malomo. Malomo is so much more than just another Shopify app, their post purchase wizards making beautiful and branded order tracking smoother than a jazz solo. So our amazing founders, like our guests can keep their customers happy and up to date while they track their orders. So hit that subscribe button, like it'll increase your LTV overnight, and go listen to her other episodes echo malomo.com That's gomalomo.com Get ready for insights chuckles and perhaps a profound realization or two with this newest episode of retention. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to retention Chronicles. Glad to have you here. And we are joined by Dallas Parsons, which we share last name, not related, but I had to call it out on this podcast just because we were talking about it before we hopped on and did our emails, it's rare that I get to interview someone who has the same last name as me and no connection. So thank you, Dallas for joining us today, I'm gonna have you start with our normal introduction, which is just give a little background on yourself and where you're currently at in the E commerce space. Hey,

Dallas Parsons 01:52

cool. My background is actually in customer service and customer experience. I really think that helps set the stage for me to launch my career now into customer lifecycle marketing, and retention, because I had been in the nitty gritty with customers for years, and, you know, was responsible for replying to hundreds of questions. And I was able to gain like a lot of insight into the customer journey, just from that perspective. So that's helped me in a lot of ways in my career. So I

Mariah Parsons 02:28

bet it does. Yeah, I being the, I guess the forefront being at the forefront, or the frontlines of like customer interaction. I feel like the rate of growth that you see and learnings and see is just astronomical. And I say that from not having formerly sat in that seat, but just learning from secondhand experience. So I applaud you for being having a background in that. And then can you tell us more about your position at mixers, what your main responsibilities are? We'll dive into it, of course in the podcast, but want to give our listeners a little bit of context there. Yeah,

Dallas Parsons 03:06

so I'll give you context about mixers first. So mixers makes hormone friendly supplements that you sip for every stage of womanhood. So our flagship product is called her time. And it helps you with your PMS, your PMS and your menstrual cycle. And we currently have a product lineup of 15, hormone friendly, all natural supplements that are geared towards women's health. So it's really fun to be in this space, especially as a woman. And I feel like you're making an impact there in so many women's lives. My role here I'm like I said, the director of lifecycle marketing, so I oversee everything post purchase, even into like some lead stuff. So I do email campaigns flows, SMS campaigns and flows. I oversee our loyalty program referral program, and then our app push notifications. So and it's just me right now. Yeah.

Mariah Parsons 04:09

I relate to you on that. Yeah. Small mid teens, right. fund a lot of them in the E commerce space, for sure. Yeah. Okay. That's wonderful. Great. So I'm very excited to dive into some of the more lifestyle or lifecycle side of things. But I'm curious, just from a high level, if you know it, having your like flagship product and then rolling out additional products, was it? I guess the question is, was it a rollout of like one product at a time or did you kind of launch like batches at a time did you start with that? Is it called her time with the first product? Yeah,

Dallas Parsons 04:49

it's your time. Okay.

Mariah Parsons 04:51

So how was how was like from a high level rolling out those different skews?

Dallas Parsons 04:56

Yeah, so I wasn't here at the very, very beginning, but I It was kind of one at a time, you know, we started with her time. And then we really listened to our customers to hear, what were their struggles, what were they dealing with, with their health, or what, you know, alternative, holistic solutions were they looking for, and then we provided, you know, a supplement geared towards that specific thing. One thing that's really cool is that the co founder, her name's Cody Sanders, she's so incredible, like, absolutely brilliant. She actually formulates all of our products. So she, yeah, she's a holistic health practitioner and functional nutritionist. And just a wealth of knowledge, like it is seriously so powerful and incredible to work alongside her. So that's, that's, I've, I've loved it.

Mariah Parsons 05:47

I love that so much. Okay, that is awesome. I love hearing people's backgrounds, and then how it, you know, shapes maybe an entrepreneurial journey, like it sounds like it has with your, with your co founders. So one of the things that I love to ask our guests about is challenges. I think there's a lot of learnings and successes. But sometimes there's even more learnings and challenges. So can you walk us through? What have been, I guess, historically, your challenge? Have you had challenges in this role? Have you been able to solve them? If not, how are you continuing to solve them? Let's dive into just high level some some things that you've learned along the way?

Dallas Parsons 06:33

Yeah, that's a great question. So I actually started at mixers as their customer support manager. So those challenges and hurdles that I faced at the very beginning of working here. Yeah, it's a little bit different. But as far as the lifecycle marketing side of things, I think the biggest thing was actually learning how to do my job. I, this was a brand new role to me. It was previously owned by other people, but it wasn't like a single person. And we were much smaller back then. And, you know, the team members who were working on it, were just wearing lots of different hats. And it wasn't necessarily the most top of mind thing to be working on email and SMS. And so when I started, it was very exciting, because I had so much opportunity to like really make an impact, because it wasn't like those things were necessarily, I don't know, I don't fault anyone for it. But they weren't necessarily like the things that were top of mind that were like moving the needle and, and thought through in like briefs and that kind of thing. So one, but one hurdle was that this was this is I was brand new to all of these things. So I was learning Klaviyo and emails and learning how to utilize the customer properties and building out segments, creating flows, automation, like literally everything. Yeah, I was just starting from the bottom. So that was a huge hurdle. And one way that we that I solved for that is through Liz, which is actually how we connected. And I found Liz, and she's my mentor. And I just love that we were able to connect and I, you know, like mixers took a chance on me for this role. But then also contributed financially to find a mentor for me to learn the ropes of all things, email and SMS and post purchase and lifecycle and all of the things. So yeah, I just I feel like mixers is really good at investing in their employees. And that's just one example is finding a mentor to really help with kind of that hurdle. initial hurdle.

Mariah Parsons 08:46

Yeah, yeah. I love that. Shout out to Liz. Liz, we love Yes, yeah. Yeah, she Mackenzie Bower at thread wallets. I've been shouting her out up and down in this podcast, just because she's been grating with connecting me and when plugging me into other people she knows in this space. I don't know if you have come across her at all. But she's amazing. If you can, Liz works with her as well. So that's how I got introduced to Liz and now through Liz, you. So I love that. Yeah, so mentors, one of the things that has influenced my perspective on I guess how quickly you can grow in a space is just one being thrown into the fire, right? I'm just like, Okay, I know exactly this problem that I need to solve. And there's a couple of ways that you could, you know, dive into it. But the quickest might be just asking someone, how would you look at this, who's had, you know, XYZ experience three years in space? And what do you think in terms of like having that mentor relationship but then getting comfortable in the technology in their new role and seeing all these you know, like, SMS email retention, lifecycle marketing all of it what how many months? Would you say in? Like, if you have a good gauge of like, Oh, I could, like I'm finding my way I'm understanding a lot of it and then past that, how many months was it from like, Okay, now I'm like, I'm in it, I know what to do how to execute, still have that mentor relationship for new things that are popping up. But in terms of having that, I guess, confidence of like, okay, giving a prop, given a problem in this space. Now I like actually have a couple of ways that I could solve this first, and then maybe look to a mentor if it's not working out how I'm thinking about it.

Dallas Parsons 10:43

Okay, that's it. That's a good question, too.

Mariah Parsons 10:45

This is everything I've asked myself, most of these podcast questions are exactly that of things where it's like, Oh, interesting. Like, I'm noticing this for XYZ. Like, I wonder if anyone else totally, you know, relates to this?

Dallas Parsons 10:59

Yes. Um, I feel like, at the beginning, when I started working with Liz, I was like, okay, cool. Like, I have a really good grasp on, you know, kind of setting those foundational building stones, if you will, of like, creating some really solid flows that were not just like, browse abandonment, cart abandonment, like, yeah. And then I was like, Okay, I feel like pretty good. But then it was like, just kidding. You don't know very much. Yeah. So that's kind of I kind of like that, that I've been able to just pick myself up and, and try different things. And I feel like I'm at a place where I don't I don't by any means know, all of the answers at this point in my career. But that's okay. Because I know how to find the answers. Um, whether that's reaching out to a mentor or a colleague or networking with other people, whether it's LinkedIn, whether it's just a quick

Mariah Parsons 11:51

Google, yeah, loving quicktag, or like Slack communities as well, I know, there's a lot of slack communities focused on, you know, trying to share the wealth of knowledge that everyone has in the space.

Dallas Parsons 12:04

Totally. So yeah, and I feel like you kind of get to a point where you're like, Okay, I have been creative for these little projects, and pushes and all the things. And then you can kind of use that to propel you into other areas and other projects that, you know, are like adjacent kind of similar. So,

Mariah Parsons 12:25

yep, yeah. Okay, wonderful. So would you say with, because one of the things that I have become privy to is, and I think just the industry at large with rising acquisition costs has been focusing on retention, and I feel like lifecycle marketing, really, you focus on retention a lot. So do you think that they're like, Do you have any insight into how or why the lifecycle responsibilities at mixers was kind of split again, split amongst multiple people? And when it was decided to consolidate into an hire for like one role? And do you think it like correlated with this, I guess, bigger ecommerce discussion around acquisition costs are rising, so we should focus on retention more? Or do you have any insight into kind of what mixers as a company was thinking at that time?

Dallas Parsons 13:23

That's a good question, too. I think that, you know, we're always looking to get more get new customers, and then how do we retain those customers? And I think that there was a couple of different strategies there and reasons why we were shifting. I think, just as a business, we got to a point that we were like, Okay, we're all wearing so many different hats. And we need to like really dial in on what are our lower lower CAC channels that have a higher row as how can we focus in on those not even just for our ads online, but just all of our channels in general, an email happened to be one of one of those. And so it was just kind of right fit at the right time. And I like got shoot in and I love it, I love my job. And so figuring out different strategies for acquiring new customers. And then like I said, retaining them and trying to get, you know, the most LTV that we can was a huge was a huge pivot point. I also think, and this is maybe like, a side tangent, if you will. But the other thing that we mixers is a supplement company, that's also a subscription based company, right? So supplements are meant to be taken consistently to see optimal results. So a subscription makes sense. Yep. And one thing that we were learning during that time is how can we add friction to the car customer experience, which kind of sounds strange? Yeah,

Mariah Parsons 15:03

yeah, tell me about it. Because usually

Dallas Parsons 15:05

people want to reduce friction. But when we're looking at things like churn and wanting to make sure that customers feel confident in their buying purchase and their frequency of purchase, we actually around the same time that I started email, SMS marketing at mixers was when we rolled out a product quiz. And so the product quiz is we're asking lots of different questions, right, so we're asking like, I have a healthy libido strongly agree, agree neutral, disagree, strongly disagree. Or I drink plenty of water, or I eat enough vegetables or whatever. And then it matches them matches the customer with products recommended for their specific answers, their goals, that kind of thing. So adding the right amount of friction to the customer journey, we've been able to not only leverage better zero party data, but also help customers feel confident in their purchase, because they know that they're taking the supplements that are right for their unique needs, right. And we've seen like huge results from the quiz. We use Octane AI to do to run our product quiz. But we see people spending 30 to 40%. More on an order, they have a greater conversion rate. And the quiz end page is a subscription only. So customers that purchase from the quiz turn into monthly recurring revenue for the business, which was also a huge goal kind of going back to the original question of like, why are we switching this whatever? was its emails a lower CAC channel with a really good row as Yeah, really good return on spend? And then hello, my brain? And then oh, yes, then it converts really well as as well. So pushing people to like a quiz or whatever kind of help funnel into into that greater goal of getting new subscribers and new customers? Yeah.

Mariah Parsons 17:14

Okay. So love it. I think that's it's a really interesting way to frame something as like you're adding friction. Right? And that, at first you would hear any ces person will be like, wait, wait, you don't you don't want to add friction. But the way in which you're doing so of getting more targeted in what products your consumers are buying is really smart. And did you say so? Can you just re say the part around? Like they go to subscription automatically?

Dallas Parsons 17:44

Yeah, so they take the quiz, write the answer. And based on their health or needs, and then the end page where they get the results, they get three. So let's say they get recommended her time her greens and her digest. If they want to purchase those they can purchase, you know, just one or two or three. But then it will turn those orders into a subscription. So they're subscribing.

Mariah Parsons 18:13

Yep. Okay, gotcha. Yeah. So it puts them to the subscription with their recommended products from the quiz. Okay. I wanted to make sure I heard it right. Because you were Yeah, I was like, I'm loving all of this. Um, so I wanted to make sure I got it right before and I'm glad you mentioned octane. And I was curious to hear Yeah, what tech if there was any background tech powering that, which most times are is, especially in the Shopify ecosystem? So yeah, I wanted, I think companies that are focused on subscription or not even focused but have a really smart subscription. Like it makes a lot of sense to the consumers. I think it's always fascinating to hear because inherently there's like a retention play in subscriptions, right in that, okay, you're having someone who is because your product is consumable, most consumable consumable products can be on subscription. And that's, quote, unquote, the most, I guess, normal industry to have subscriptions. But I also think it's interesting to see how some, some brands are who aren't in the CPG vertical or you know, in an perhaps non traditional subscription vertical that they're finding these other ways to have subscribers and to try and work a repeatable purchase into their customer experience. Is I remember when I'm blanking on who it was but like a cleaning service, right? Like where it's like a monthly cleaning service or something of the sort or, you know, like, I think it might have been a jewelry brand I can't remember but like, Okay, you're getting a new cloth that you clean and it's like, right as a smaller ao V than jewelry, usually, you know if is like a cleaning cloth or something of the sort, but I still think it's a really interesting thing to call attention to where most things, if you can get creative enough with them can have some type of subscription component to it. Um, and so but supplements, it makes a lot of sense, because it's something that as a consumer, you want to, if you're gonna start something, especially if it's going to be something that is influential for your health, you're going to want to continue it, right? Because you'll see the added benefit of long term use. So with when you when you put in that the quiz, did you see like people were buying maybe products that weren't quote unquote, in the their, like most recommended products for them, like say, someone is purchasing, like her time, but then the quiz gives them three different products? What do you know, if there was any indication of like the person, the customer would then switch to just getting the three products or then would get the like original product aid per purchase? And then perhaps, three, or any X amount of additional purchases from the review? Or from the quiz?

Dallas Parsons 21:16

That's a good question. I'm not sure if I have like exact data on that. But I know that like looking at a traditional journey sense is like they don't take the quiz, they are purchasing her time, like what's their second most likely purchase to make? I don't know how closely aligned to those are off the top of my head. But I do know that the quiz has made our customers feel more confident in their purchasing. So even if, you know they purchase her power, or her time, and then their next likely purchase is going to be her power. If those are both recommended the quiz, I'm not sure. But it has made them feel more confident, especially placing a larger order because they're like, I know that these are supplements that are going to help me and benefit me. And I think that has added a lot more value to to their lives and more peace of mind, you know? Yeah,

Mariah Parsons 22:12

yeah, of course, we I think that is such a, it's something that maybe wouldn't be as quantifiable as something of like, okay, the 30, I think you said 30 to 40% increase from the quiz where you can like, look at the data on the backhand, but unless customers are telling you that they feel more confident in the purchase, it can be hard to kind of see that qualitative feedback. And it's something that at Malomo, we see a lot where if a customer doesn't know where their order are, they're going to be frustrated, they're going to inbound to your support team of where's my order, those Wisma tickets. And it's something as easy as, okay, a customer quiz that you can implement to get more of that zero party data, something that or you know, a transactional email that you can proactively send someone so that they're not frustrated, and they're confident in their purchase, because they know, okay, I'm not getting scanned. This is like my purchases on the way to me. I'm good to know exactly when it's when it's coming my way. And then it kind of reduces some of that potential buyer's remorse where it's like, especially with a bigger purchase, where you're like, Oh, my God, what did I just purchase? And instead with constantly keeping your brand and someone's purchase top of mind, you kind of you help in that like, non?

Dallas Parsons 23:34

We don't want friction there. Yeah, no person there.

Mariah Parsons 23:39

Yeah, yeah, exactly. Only want confidence in the person. But on the way to, to the buyer. Yeah. I love it. Um, so can you describe to me now, then, let's go. Let's dive into, I guess, like, your biggest priorities as like, looking into email, like all the different channels, basically, that you are in charge of? Yeah, I know, we've been talking a lot about email. But SMS is also one of those things that is newer, there's a higher cost associated with it. But can you kind of break down how you and mixers are, are looking at, you know, when to message to, to your consumers? Totally.

Dallas Parsons 24:24

So I'll let you in on a secret because I know Wednesday

Mariah Parsons 24:26

episode is coming out. Love it. Yes.

Dallas Parsons 24:29

So one of our biggest priorities right now at mixers is we are going to be rebranding.

Mariah Parsons 24:35

Oh, exciting. Oh, my God. No, it's very,

Dallas Parsons 24:38

very exciting. We're just very excited to level up. And the growth that we've seen in all areas of the business is very exciting. And so we need to make sure that as a brand, we're like matching that, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah. So one of the biggest priorities right now in email, SMS is we are auditing our entire customer. Journey, which is very exciting, because it's like, oh my gosh, we're gonna like start from scratch, it's gonna be good. We can like, button up everything, make sure that it's flowing together. But it is a massive undertaking, yes. across all areas of the business, like the rebrand is not just touching me it's touching everybody in the team is crushing it so far. But I have been working very closely with one of my colleagues SAV, She's incredible. She's a data queen, she does our customer experience, she oversees our customer support team. And together, we're mapping out the flows, finding opportunities for growth, for further product related journeys and insights. And then just really mapping that out so that we can, you know, in turn, gain further insights to customer behavior. And when someone orders a product and make sure that we have some cross sell stuff, set up more education, because that's another thing that's very important in the supplement industry in supplement space is people need to understand why they're taking the product, the benefits, kind of setting those expectations and things like that. So as far as lifecycle marketing that touches everything that I'm doing, yes, very much though. So it's very fun, though.

Mariah Parsons 26:18

Okay, wonderful. Are you allowed to say when this rebrand will happen? Or it just will be done by the time this podcast airs?

Dallas Parsons 26:26

I didn't look at the exact date, but it's like in May. Okay. Okay. Yeah, we're fine enough. Yeah, yes, yes. I think that we've by this point, we've posted a little bit on our ecommerce brand's social media. So you can check out there and see some updated, updated stuff. Okay. Wonderful.

Mariah Parsons 26:43

Putting out some teasers. Yes. So what insights with the rebrand? I know, you just said it touches everything? What insights? Are you? Do you have an idea of what insights you're looking into specifically right now, in terms of, you know, like, trying to I know, you just mentioned upsells, or cross sells, and then education. But yeah, how are you going to try? And I guess the pre rebrand and post rebrand?

Dallas Parsons 27:09

Yeah, so we, I mean, logistically, we're creating like two separate flows, you can kind of see the analytics side by side, a couple of the big things that we're looking at are, you know, looking at retention, and how we can weave retention, how we can weave, cross sells education, and really just nurturing our customers through any touch point of their journey. And that includes mapping out things like their, you know, what is the 3060 90 day product journey look like for this customer? And if they order her time, how can we make sure that they're getting her time related content and resources? And so that is, that's been huge, and kind of reigniting and redoing a lot of this, this stuff.

Mariah Parsons 27:57

Yeah. So is so is that I guess, in all areas of the customer experience, you're looking at, like pre purchase, like first time buyer pre purchase, acquiring that consumer yet, like gap between if they're on subscription versus if they're not looking at that those differences, and then post purchase as well, making sure that you're nurturing wherever someone is in the customer experience.

Dallas Parsons 28:24

Yeah, the entire lifecycle, everything that you just mentioned, and even in our campaigns, which is something that, you know, we're shifting, and we're really looking at, like, who are we talking to? And how can we further segment in our communication so that it's like, how can we make the message that they need to receive land in their inbox at the right time, which is always like the million dollar question, right? Yep. And so one thing that we've been doing is even segmenting out, are they an active product subscriber, or are they a lead? Are they a one time purchaser? Like, who are they, and then sending those different campaigns and speaking to them as that as that person, like, they are an active subscriber, so we don't want to say like, become a subscriber today and get rid of that. Like, no, they're already there already. As subscribers, when they get that message, they're gonna be annoyed. Yep. Yeah. Then reaching out to them and just being like, hey, add to your subscription for this benefit that uh, that that is going to land so much better. And we've seen we've seen a huge change and a very big shift there even from inbound customer support tickets of of complaints or issues or things that maybe were an oversight just that were solved by segmenting better, Yep,

Mariah Parsons 29:45

yeah, segmenting is one of those things where if you could do it and you could do it right, it's a major unlock for a brand and yeah, being able to segment based off of the customer profile is one of those things where Um, yeah, I feel like it's kind of irrefutable that the value that the consumer sees and that the brand sees as well, because it just makes it so much easier for you all to, you know, you have this idea of a campaign that you want to run of like, okay, now we know enough confidence that we can segment out by these different customer profiles. So I wanted to ask you, because it is rare that we get someone who also has a mobile app component to their brand. And so I want to know all about that, because we've had a few on this show. But it isn't super, super typical. So can you talk to me about just like the process of rolling that out and getting people on the app, I'm sure it's still something you all are figuring out and continuously iterating. On the same way, as everyone is about every single communication channel. That yeah, I want to I want to hear kind of what what role that's played in the in the company goals and how you all are approaching it.

Dallas Parsons 31:02

Totally. So I'll preface this by saying this is just the beginning of it, I feel like we have just scratched the surface. And there's so much room for optimization and further improvements within our app. But it also costs a lot of money. So we are, you know, as we're rebranding and all these things, like we're just very cautious of and conscious of how we're doing that. But one of the biggest goals I would say, for our app was to collect zero party data from customer usage, and symptom improvement over time. So in the mixers app, they can track their menstrual cycle, they get insights about what phase they are in, what cycle they're in. And then they can track their symptoms. So as they're taking Oh, and then what products, they're what mixers products are consuming. Then if someone's taking her time again, we'll use that one as an example. If they're taking her time, they can track I've taken her time today, I didn't feel as bloated. Maybe I still had a headache. And then over time, you know, after three months, or after six months of using her time, they can be like, wow, like I haven't tracked bloating in the last three months. Like how cool is that? So seeing that symptom improvement over time, and kind of, we wanted, we wanted the app to like, increase the valuation of our brands, of course, and then also Garner product validation data from our user inputs. So as people were using her time, we wanted them to see over time that her time was working. And then it just like makes them even more of a Brand Champion, and build that brand trust and loyalty because they can see that the product is benefiting their life. Yeah,

Mariah Parsons 32:50

yeah, I love it. Do you know? So? Just couple rapid fire questions. Did you for the app development? Was it in house or outsourced? Because I feel like that'd be a big undertaking.

Dallas Parsons 33:02

Yeah, it was outsourced we worked with. And I didn't like oversee the app, all of that side of things. So like, I don't, I can't speak like 100% to this. But yeah, it was outsourced. We used somebody to create it. But like, we told them everything that we wanted it to do. And then the rollout, I think that you asked me about the rollout. And I like skipped over that entirely. But we are community of of mixers, fans, really rallied for us. And we, you know, had different campaigns go out, we kept it in our email footer for a long time pushing people to download the app. And then there was different perks as well within the app. So we use the OPPO for loyalty and referrals program. And if they track in the app, the products that they're using the symptoms, that type of thing, they get points for tracking in the um, so that was like another perk of the app is we're earning those loyalty points. And then another huge lever for us is the push notifications for revenue capture. So you can do a push notification, it keeps your brand top of mind. It's not nearly as expensive as SMS. Yeah. And then there's a shop experience directly in the app, as well as like an education hub and things like that. So like I said, there's definitely things that we want to improve on. And it's very, very exciting. But in the same in the same breath. I'm like, Oh, but wait, like just just wait.

Mariah Parsons 34:39

There's always something right. Okay, that's exciting. By the time this is rare that I get to announce something preemptively. I'm on this podcast, but we're actually launching with Jaco next week. And so by the time that this podcast is live, the won't be a surprise, but funny that you just brought it up as your We're talking about your surprising rebranding. I love the UK use case of the gaining points while you're tracking because it's a win win, right? Like you all are setting out and accomplishing what you all want to do with getting more insight into how your consumers are using the product. And then they're also getting the added day meaning consumers, they're getting the added benefit of tracking and like seeing that for themselves, validating the product on their end of things, and then also getting points with you all to continue their journey in consuming their supplements. Is the so is the app free to use for consumers? It is Yeah, wonderful. Okay, so yeah, you can push someone to use that, like you said, in all the different channels that you are pushing? And then do you know, and totally okay, if you don't have them putting you on the spot, what percent ish of consumers are using the app versus not? Okay, if you don't know, yeah, I actually don't know if I'm putting you on the spot. That's part of the fun of this. Right. So okay, yeah, I'd be curious to hear as I'm sure your team is looking into all of that. Um, but it is very interesting to see. And especially like tracking, I know, the Apple Health app like has, you can track your menstrual cycle and like, things like that. So it's a very, and there's other apps as well. But it's interesting to have the, I guess, relatability of the product that you are consuming. And then also how that is affecting you. I haven't heard, I've heard, like I said, some brands having mobile apps to have like a mobile shopping experience. And one of them that stands out is with Marty, which they're an online marketplace. But I haven't heard of someone doing what you all are doing and taking a supplement and then being able to track how it's affecting you. So I think it's really, really cool. Really, I think, a great channel that is win, like wins across the board. So I'll be curious, you know, as you all continue to dig a little bit deeper into what that experience looks like. Because I know you mentioned it's just scratching the surface.

Dallas Parsons 37:18

But stay tuned for me to be Yeah,

Mariah Parsons 37:21

yeah, I always make this joke, but I'll continue to do it like that. That'll be for the next podcast episode. We can have a follow up. Yes. See how things are going? Yeah, we'll have the rebrand in place, the Malomo Jaco integration, launch all that good stuff. So a little bit of a pivot, because now I'm just going through questions that I'm curious to get your opinion on. Can you walk us through because we've been talking about more of the, like nurture side of things, of customers, making sure that they have all the content all the they're aware of all the programs that you all are offering alongside your products? Can you walk us through what returns and exchanges looks like in the grand scheme of things? I know, this isn't something that you are super, super detailed on in the go to in the day to day experience. But I always think it's interesting just to hear how, like broken up by sector, how returns and exchanges are thought about?

Dallas Parsons 38:20

That's, that's a really good question as well. What are you?

Mariah Parsons 38:24

It's almost it's almost like I do this for

Dallas Parsons 38:27

every time I'm like, Wow, what a good question.

Mariah Parsons 38:29

Thank you. I will tell you that this is, this is a Thursday afternoon, and it feels great. Yes, I'm doing my day with this. Yeah.

Dallas Parsons 38:36

Um, so I oversaw returns and exchanges when I first joined mixers, which again, was like two and a half years ago. And I feel like it's an entirely different process now. But when I was customer support manager returns our heart like, I feel like that is one piece of the business. That is it not is not talked about nearly enough. And is quite frankly, such a mess. Like it's, it can be so messy. It's it can be so real customer like I'm irritated when I have to return something. Saf, who I mentioned earlier on on my team, she's, she's amazing. Like, she should be the next podcast at her. Yeah, shout outs out. But she oversees customer support, and then also the process and execution of returns and exchanges. And I know that we just recently implemented redo which essentially like, is the customer paying for a return label as like an insurance type of vibe. I don't know and watching that, but I know that she in our last in our last team stand up said that returns are down like a significant amount. And because of this, and it's been a lot, there's a lot less friction there.

Mariah Parsons 39:54

Yep, there we go. That's where we want. That's where we don't want it. Yeah, don't

Dallas Parsons 39:59

want break. in there, so. But as far as like the percentage of returns and things, it's coming back, I know that it's gone down significantly. And as you know, you all know and you just improve over time. Yep.

Mariah Parsons 40:13

Funny how you learn things, right?

Dallas Parsons 40:15

How you grow? Yeah,

Mariah Parsons 40:17

yeah. Okay. I want to keep chatting because it seems like we just started this call. But I'm going to wrap us up because this has been a great conversation. And I always, always, always want to continue chatting. But that is not their current reality. So we'll have to wait until that next podcast episode, hear how things are going. But before I do so, do you have any other surprises or things that you want to share with our listeners before we wrap up here today?

Dallas Parsons 40:40

I think the only other exciting launch that's coming up is right when this podcast comes out. We will be starting our warming for collagen and we're launching a new product. collagen, which will be the first product launch in over a year or in about a year. So very exciting. It'd be really good. It gets like vanilla. And it was like a raspberry one, I think. Ooh, yummy. Oh, yeah. Stay tuned for collagen.

Mariah Parsons 41:09

Okay, love it. Thank you for that. Good luck with the launch. It's been a blast having you here with us Dallas, and I cannot wait to learn even more from you as we continue on this econ journey. But I know our listeners will really appreciate your insights here today.

Dallas Parsons 41:24

Thank you so much for having me. This was really fun. Oh, good. I'm so glad to hear it.