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customer, sms, messaging, transactional, brand, attentive, text, tracking, updates, consumers, question, journey, blake, integration, order, personalized, build, purchase, drive, excited
Mariah Parsons, Yaw Aning, Blake Imperl
Mariah Parsons 00:01
Welcome, everyone, we are going to get started in just a bit here. We are so excited to have you today. And to kick it off while people trickle in. We would like to know what industry what role you have. And please share with us your name because we want to know who you all are. One key note to observe when you're going to send in the chat, make sure that you switch to sending to everyone and not just the hosts in the panelists so everyone can see where everyone is tuning in from. We'll get started in just a bit here
Blake Imperl 00:55
Do you have a good weekend? I did have a good weekend. Yeah, I went running this weekend here in San Diego. Like I got a good lot of good running trails can see anyone speak to that. I've got a lot of good running trails in San Diego. So I went out running, trying to get out when I can but like weekend's never long enough for me. Did you have a good weekend?
Yaw Aning 01:18
Yeah, yeah, man, I, well, kind of. We had we had a little bug run through the family. So everybody was a little sick. But everybody's recovered now. But my my son, he took his his first steps last week and so it's fun to watch him grow into real a real person now.
Blake Imperl 01:45
That's exciting once they get on two legs. That's all Yeah. My brother, my nephew. Yeah, he they just had their kid and he started walking in like, it's it's insane when they get to that stage. Like, they're so independent already. You know? Yes. It's amazing.
Yaw Aning 02:03
Yes, yeah. Yeah. Like we we figured out how well we'll be trapped your houses.
Mariah Parsons 02:16
That's awesome. We love that. Well, hello, everyone. I see some more people are trickling in. But we have a good bunch now. So we're gonna go ahead and get started. So hello, I'm Mariah. Some of you may have gotten some emails from me. And I'm on the marketing team here at Malomo. And I'll be your moderator for today. On behalf of both Malomo and attentive, thank you so much for being here with us. We hope you have a great time and we can provide some value to your day, we appreciate you making the time to be here. And before we get to the good stuff, I wanted to run through some of our housekeeping items. So with that, for those of you who haven't sent your current industry role, title, your name or a fun fact, even if you will, into the chat, please feel free to keep doing that. We love to see everyone in our audience here and even interact with each other. So keep doing that throughout the presentation. And also please send questions as hopefully some of you know we will have a dedicated q&a section towards the end. That will be optional, but we want to have questions come up as both Yao and Blake are speaking. And like I just mentioned, we will have the 15 Minute optional q&a in the back but we will have a jam packed 30 minute presentation today with you. And we are so excited. So with that I am going to intro our two incredible speakers like imperil and Yao ining. Blake heads partner community at attentive, which is the industry leading conversational commerce platform. And they really focus on improving business to consumer communication. And like he's going to tell us all about that. And he's an expert in the field. So we are pumped to have him on with us today. And likewise, another expert we are joined by our co founder and CEO yow inning. And he's going to tell us all about Malomo Because let's face it, he can probably intro and tell you all about Malomo Way better than I can. So with that, yeah, I'm gonna pass the reins to you. And we can get started from there.
Yaw Aning 04:25
Awesome. All right. Let me share my screen here. Cool. Hopefully you guys can see that. There we go. Cool. Welcome, everybody. I so my I'll share fun facts to you to kick us off. I have been on a plane that's been struck by lightning is a terrifying experience. But I feel like it's once in a lifetime. So I lived through it and I'm here. I'm here to tell the story. I'm very excited to host this webinar. I think got a ton of stuff to cover. So I'm going to want to try to move pretty quickly through it and, and give most of the time to Blake to share a lot more. So real quick, we're gonna go through agenda. So we're gonna cover high level overview of Malomo. For those of you who maybe don't know about Malomo, and what what it is that we do, attentive is going to do the same thing. If you've not heard of attentive, I don't know where you've been living under a rock, but one of the leading SMS platforms. So Blake will give an overview and then we'll walk through the attentive Bulama integration that we just launched. And then Blake's gonna cover some some transactional SMS ideas and best practices that you can put into motion, right after this. So let's get started a little about Malomo. So we are in order tracking platform to really help you manage the customer experience from when your consumers place an order all the way through delivery. And soon beyond that, we work with hundreds of high growth merchants have tracked more than a billion dollars worth of borders on their behalf powering the customer experiences around delivery. And last year, we were really honored to be named to the Forbes cloud 100 Rising Stars list trying to follow and attend his footsteps alongside a few other accolades, but really excited to get started. So where's my order? Arguably the most emotionally charged words in ecommerce. If you're like me, I like to know a minute by minute breakdown of where my order is in transit. Because you know, waiting for delivery, it can be a pretty emotional experience, right? As a consumer, there's no better feeling than when you hit the buy button. As you're waiting in anticipation of when that order will arrive. I was talking with the guy yesterday actually named Conrad. And I promise you, this is not a plan he bought from one of our customers, and in our conversation he shared, you know, tracking his order was almost more fun than actually getting it. And you gotta think about that, like, why is waiting for your order, possibly more exciting than the order arriving itself? Well, truth be told, there's actually a scientific reason why we feel this way. So tracking your packages actually gives you a huge hit of dopamine. Research shows that the brain releases dopamine in anticipation of a reward. And in addition to that, you know, if the if you know, receiving the reward is unpredictable, it actually increases your anticipation, which in turn increases the amount of dopamine that gets released. So shopping online is like this dual threat, right, where not only do you have to wait for your order, but it's like playing the lottery and when that order will arrive. So both of these things significantly increase your emotional state in a very positive way. In fact, three out of four people say that they get way more excited about purchases that they they have to wait for in the mail than the ones that they bought in store. And I can't think I'm obviously a little biased, but I can't think of a better time to take advantage of connecting with your customers than at a time when they are super, super excited to hear from you. Unfortunately, most brands are not taking advantage of this. So we've seen that consumers check tracking on average, four and a half times per order. The number of times that this this page gets viewed arguably makes it one of the single most visited pages in all of E commerce. What we often see is that upwards of 15% of your overall site traffic hits your order tracking experience, that's a ton of traffic. Right? It begs the question like Why? Why are we throwing away that traffic to carriers when we could be harnessing it to to build our brands and really creative ways. And so that's what Malomo We set out to solve is, you know, we want to help merchants take control of the delivery experience using those four and a half touchpoints to really build your brand. And so how you know how it works whenever a customer visits your storefront and places an order Malomo connects in and grabs all that order data, customer data, tracking numbers, and any metadata that you're capturing about your customers in your order. And then we're we're connecting directly into carrier so we'll track that package in real time. And we'll we'll bundle all that data and send it to your marketing platforms like attentive so that you can proactively message to your customers about what's what's happening with with delivery. And Blake is obviously going to share a bunch of ideas and use cases about how you can leverage that. Then when customer As I click on those tracking links to track their package, they're taken to a fully branded completely custom tracking experience to continue building that relationship with the customer. So Malomo allows you to send really personalized messages at key moments during the post purchase experience. So this obviously includes well known touchpoints like when a customer places the order when the order is fulfilled and when it when it goes out for delivery. But you can also fill in other carrier statuses like in transit, or exceptions like Return to Sender, you can better time your follow up messaging for things like asking for product reviews, once you know the order has arrived. And you can you can also really help drive messaging for those increasingly important customer moments like when your shipments are delayed or stalled in transit, or even like pre shipment messaging, like warehouse delays or ways to handle multiple shipments or partial shipments. So we often encourage our brands kind of map out, you know this entire customer journey like this so they can better understand right how to craft the right messaging for each key moment. When the customers view their tracking, they see messaging that clearly communicates you know what's happening to reduce that anxiety among your customers. But it's also this really like great opportunity for for a unique brand touch to better showcase you know who your brand is what it stands for. And right while your customers are super excited, you can Flint fan the flames of that add excitement, right, keep that dopamine spike high by some goodwill. In the event that something does go wrong with the order. You know, those things help soften the blow in in bison empathy with your customers. Another really cool thing that you can do is normalize you to plug in other apps from your tech stack in your order tracking experience. So you can showcase dynamic content like your tick tock feed, or your blog feed, or even drive kind of personalized product recommendations. You can segment the experience to drive the outcomes that make the most sense for your brand. So Soylent, for example, they show subscribers blog content and their social pledge to drive credit better loyalty among existing subscribers. While they highlight their subscription program and their top selling subscription products to those first time buyers. Segmenting helps drive way higher engagement and targeted messaging to the right audiences at the right time. You can also use your tracking page to drive SMS opt ins Right Great time to build your marketing channels in ways that in places where your customers are spending their time looking at. And then And then lastly, you know, keeping tabs on the shipping performance, we provide some reporting, to help you really understand how your fulfillment carriers and partners are performing. So you can discover dips in performance carrier performance, and then correlate that data to your support inquiries or your CSAT scores to see how shipping is impacting other parts of your business. So I'm really excited about our integration with attentive because now you can combine your order tracking experience with really strong SMS strategy and take your relationship building to new heights. And so tracking can be that great asset to bridge that gap. And I'm going to pass things off to Blake so that he can walk through the integration in more detail.
Blake Imperl 13:52
Awesome, thanks so much, I really appreciate it and two, fantastic overview of the platform and gets me really excited to kind of transition and to this next part of it, which is really maximizing, I think some of the effectiveness of communicating your transactional updates through a channel like tax. So I'm gonna kind of give an overview real quickly a tentative and then kind of talk about the integration at a high level and then we'll dive deeper into some examples that I have prepared today for everyone to kind of look at it and kind of see what's possible. As Maria had mentioned earlier, my name is Blake and Pearl I had our partner community here at a tentative previously led growth at a conversational SMS company called tone we required by attentive in June of last year. So I came over to the partner team here and I've been focused in this role ever since. But the majority of my background really is in retention and you know ecommerce marketing, I spent a lot of time working with Shopify and Shopify Plus brands to build email and SMS programs. So really well versed in the space and excited to kind of show you some of what's possible with SMS marketing today. If there's two things that I hope you walk away with from this part of the presentation, it's really To the impact that SMS is going to have on the post purchase experience it particularly as it relates to transactional. And then secondly how to leverage this awesome integration, you know, and really kind of getting a little bit deeper into it. So real quick, just about a 10 of who we are. We're the industry leader and conversational commerce, focus really on reinventing business to consumer communication. Our SMS first software helps everyone from entrepreneurs to enterprises really strengthen and scale relationships with their consumers. And we drive billions of dollars in E commerce revenue through two way communication for over 4500 leading brands at this point, some notable brands include CBD to coach Pura Vida, just to name a few. And here's some of the nice things that our customers have said about us over the years and the impact that we've made on their business. But we really view our platform as a tool to help modern retail and ecommerce brands really meet the variety of challenges, but also opportunities that are coming up in the marketplace. So really, it's a start, I kind of want to set the stage for why you know, those brands that you saw before. And then also 1000s of other brands are really investing in SMS marketing. And why now, and this is really, because SMS at its core is a relationship building channel. And it really gives us the ability to be personalized, and add a lot of value to that customer experience. I think I would be remiss if I didn't say the mobile phone is becoming the feet of a person's life, we check this thing far too often. I'm blurred on the screen here. But you can see this, the average US consumer checks their phone about 96 times a day. If you look at your apple screentime reports, it's mind blowing, I think I was at 125 the other day. And also what's really interesting to note is that the average consumer has about six to 10 email addresses if it's working emails, burner, email addresses, for promotions, whatever that looks like. But we typically only have one phone number. And usually, if you look at like a screen time reports, the messaging app is usually in the top three most used apps. So there's a lot of visibility and really time spent in this app. And brands are needing a really a way to captivate consumers attention and meeting this really growing mobile first demand. And they need a channel that's conversational by nature and can help to build those long term relationships through personalized and relevant messaging. And SMS really offers a lot of this. And one of the biggest reasons why SMS allows this is because it's a two way communication tool. And it offers really high engagement rates, you know, you look at things like 30 plus percent click through rates on behavioral messages, with some of those transactional messages and things that we're sending. And then also really high open rates above 90%. Typically, and this is really making SMS the new engagement hub for how a brand communicates to its consumers throughout that buyers journey. And we believe here at attentive in three years, that SMS is going to be the center of how brands communicate with their consumers. And SMS isn't just about brand of the brands, you know, consumers are really shifting towards this, as I've talked about. Smartphone adoption is at an all time high in the past 10 years, we've seen, you know, I think double digit growth and people using smartphones. And it's also just getting in the hands of a lot more people I think, you know, kids as young as seven years old have phones now. And we're really growing up, you know, as a society with smartphones. And you look at the stat here, over 90% of consumers want to sign up to receive texts from brands, and they're going deeper on text programs than they ever have before. This is really signaling again, that mobile first shift that we're seeing, and we're trying to fit into the feet of a person's life, you know, through being in a channel like text. And SMS really offers a comprehensive customer experience, you know, from promotional messages, which we've kind of are used to, but also things like customer service. And then also now like shipping updates and being able to provide those transactional updates. You know, I think yeah, did a great job of saying that those updates on the order is what everyone is looking for, and gets really excited about and being able to do but over a channel like text is a really great way to think about that. I want to start actually here too, with a quick little look into some trends. And a little pop quiz. I guess if you will here not to give any you give you any homework, but I want to ask the audience here and yeah, if you want to come off mute and maybe hop in on this one to what is the number one most requested text message type that a consumer wants from a brand? So is it limited time promotions? Is it product updates and launches? Customer Service exclusive content or transactional updates? So you can leave your answer in the chat but yeah, do you have any thoughts on
Yaw Aning 19:32
I kind of I kind of feel like everybody's everybody's sitting on the one I gotta go D
Blake Imperl 19:38
Well, if you guess you would be correct. Over 97% of consumers want these types of tax from brands This is such an opportunity for you to be able to add value to the journey and give customer really what they want you know they've just spent hard earned money at your your brand and like let's give them that experience. Now let's keep them in the know And this really only reaffirms the narrative that people want more than just promotional tax. So I kind of want to unpack to where transactional fit into the buyers journey via SMS. This is a little flywheel diagram that I love to kind of talk about how the SMS ecosystem works, you know, they're going to opt in, you know, through a sign up unit, say that use our to tap opt in flow and we catch your email and SMS, they're going to come into this welcome flow in this kind of awareness stage, maybe they're getting some messaging, learning more about the brand, maybe they get an offer, and then maybe they don't convert, maybe maybe we need to send them another message to you know, maybe they get a browser Bandimere reminder, they come back to the site, maybe they make the purchase. And in this lower quadrant now is really where the exciting stuff happens with the transactional updates. And we're going to start educating them and really being able to give them some, you know, additional value through transactional updates. And then if you go further than this, you know, some retention, we look at kind of post purchase messaging, and then even customer service, but this wheel really rinses and repeats throughout that SMS journey. And if you're more visual, like myself, this is a great way to kind of think about this too. You know, we have this signup and welcome, you know, they get into the SMS program, maybe they get that browse abandonment, reminder, and then transactional update here, and then maybe they tax them later for customer service. So this is a really great visual way to kind of think about how SMS works with the customer, which really brings me to, you know, kind of set the stage for you know, why we should be investing in transactional tax. And I'm really excited to be talking now about this integration between attentive and Malomo. So you might have heard a little bit about this already, before this webinar, but you know, just giving you a high level overview, you know, I think, as your outline, you know, you're getting to leverage that seamless Malomo tracking experience. And also getting to leverage those landing pages is a great asset. And you're using this in tandem with the channel like text, which I've outlined has those high engagement rates, it has an actual customer affinity to be engaging on this channel, to really maximize that buyers journey, that post purchase experience, and really create that connected opportunity for a customer to just really get what they're looking for. And so at a high level, you know, this is what's possible, you know, we're gonna be able to drive more revenue through additional cross selling opportunities, you know, we're getting more people engaged, clicking on that link to go to that tracking page, naturally, that's going to increase your conversion opportunities, we're reducing our support burden. Also, by proactively letting the customer know where their order is, you know, we're giving them what they want, we're giving them the ability to have insight into what is happening in that purchase, and really being able to maybe not have to reach out to customer support, because they're getting that information via text. And then also, we're building brand awareness. With these tracking pages, you know, as well, which is a great value add. And I think, you know, I'm gonna kind of show now really just a few of those kind of touch points that we're going to enable will be a text. But as you outlined, there is a lot of different opportunities for us to text the customer with some of those updates. And this is how it all comes together really with this integration, you know, within attended the Malomo customer that called showerheads, which is a great brand name, I wish I took that name. But you can see they're sending four messages across the pre arrival experience. And in this first one, you know, they're letting them know that order has been confirmed, getting them this information about the order number and then letting them know what's gonna come next. Once the package is about to be shipped out, you know, again, updating them, letting them know what's happening here, you know, once that package has shipped, we're getting them a link to that landing page for them to get some updates on their order. And then also just really continuing to build anticipation and hype. And then once it's arrived, being able to again, link to that Malomo landing page, and then let them know some more information. So it's a really great example of a simple setup of the Malomo and attentive integration. But really want to show you now some exciting use cases that I built out. And this is just scratching the surface, I want to preface that, you know, get into the attendance journey builder, kind of see what's possible, but I'm gonna give you some ideas to really kind of think about. So I'm going to use a crawl, walk run approach, to kind of think about how we can start really simple and then over time, you know, maybe we want to get more sophisticated and more personalized, and all that good stuff. So the first text that we look at here is order confirmed, you know, this is our highest touchpoint right after that customer places the order. And so here's an example of kind of a crawl approach. And you can see, you know, we're again, letting the customer know, hey, thanks for your order. Here's that number for you to track. It's unique, it's personalized. And then stay tuned for updates. You know, this is simple, it's easy, and it's effective because we're letting the customer know that we've recognized receipt of their purchase and something is going to come next. In this example now we're taking things to a little bit more of a walk approach getting a little more personalized, and we're going to actually segment the confirmation text based upon whether they're a first time customer or a returning customer. So you can see but the first time customer here, you know thanking them for that purchase. Good In that order information, maybe it's a little bit more branded in the copy that we're using here. And then again, letting them know that they're going to get another update in a few days, maybe here, we're actually recognizing that they're a returning customer. And so we're going to, you know, let them know, thanks for coming back. You know, thanks for your business, I realized on this text to there's a typo, there should be a unique order number here, that's that's my that that would be in this text as well that for to track the number, the order, of course. But again, you know, really, when you look at this in the journey builder on the far right here, all we've done is created a branch to recognize a first time customer versus a returning customer, we could easily set up more conditional splits to say, Hey, first time customers second purchased, maybe 10th purchase, maybe you want to have something for someone who's really been a true VIP. And this is really easy to set up within that journey builder. Now, taking a little bit more of a run approach, this is really implementing a few things. And what we're doing here is we're attempting to make a thoughtful, but personalized contextual cross sell with the customer. So you can think of this sort of like purchased X product but didn't purchase y product. To set up this message, we need to start with one really important piece, which is segmenting our customers appropriately based on their marketing permission. So you can see up here on this branch, we have a branch for promotional and transactional text. And then we have a branch for just transactional tax. So to define what those mean, on the left side promotional and transactional that's called our marketing level permission. This is the most common level of marketing, sorry, SMS consents, when someone opts into an SMS programming idea, like a traditional sign up unit, they're going to be opted into both of those marketing types. So that's really what we're going to see we have the ability then to actually market to this customer in these transactional updates. On the right side, we have just transactional. And this is actually a checkbox that you're going to have on your checkout page, if you just want to offer someone the ability to get transactional updates on the order. And this would allow them the ability to just maybe get those updates on what's happening with their order, but maybe they didn't want to opt into the SMS program. So you could actually still send text to both of those groups of customers. But what we're gonna be able to do at the marketing level side is a little bit more sophisticated. And so with marketing, again, we can send both marketing and transactional messages. And this is where the bulk of your SMS subscribers will be opted into anyway. And so to come back to this example, you can see here, this text is again, you know, thanking them for their order, we're giving them that tracking number, letting them know something's coming, but we're making them this offer right here. And so because they purchased, maybe they purchased a coffee, but they didn't purchase the French press with that coffee. And so we're making them an offer, really, you know, by just giving them the ability to take advantage of it. And this branch here is segmenting our customers who are in that marketing level permission to get anyone who purchased the coffee, but not the French press. And then anyone who didn't fall into this condition is going to receive a different text, we could easily create multiple branches, or multiple offers for different types of product combinations that might make sense. You know, if you're selling shoes, and they didn't buy socks, if you know, something assured they didn't buy shirts, something along those lines, and you can really kind of create multiple offers really quickly within the journey builder. So this type of contextual cross sell, again, can be done across like product type, collection, or even category. So you can get really narrow or very broad with how you think about this, this is a great way to to drive additional revenue on that first message. Now really shifting gears to the next part of the transactional journey, which is you know, the orders about to be shipped. Here's a great example of how to get started with a more of a crawl approach. And you can see again, you know, this giving them that tracking number and saying, hey, you know, you're gonna get an update within the next 24 hours, you know, you'll keep we'll keep you in the know on what happens next, really great way just to kind of, again, add value. And really let them know that you're you're listening to people that want their desire to want updates on their order. When we think about more of a walk approach to this or maybe even running, we can take it one step further. And we can set up an AV test. EB testing is a really important strategy for optimization and incremental improvements and message performance when it comes to SMS. And so in this example, we're adding a simple call to action to this message by testing two distinctly different calls to action. So when the first year, you know, we're letting them know, Hey, your order is going to ship soon. And then by the way, you know, we have a live stream. And you can you can join us you know every day to learn more about this product, and letting them know to come visit the livestream over here. On the right example. We're actually you know, again, same update, but letting them know hey, you can learn more about how your coffee is made here. So we're giving them a little bit more of content and a little bit more value to be able to engage with the brand via this text, as they kind of wait for their order to be shipped and processed. And these are really great ways to build hype pre arrival in addition to letting them know about that transactional update. And the best part about this because we're AB Testing. As you can see, here, we have this split right here, we can learn which call to action actually is getting more clicks, more engagement, what's driving, maybe some revenue, even potentially. And you can optimize that based upon that performance through really real time engagement. Now, really moving to the next, you know, we're getting closer to the product arriving now, this is where things really get started to, to get exciting, you know, out for delivery. And this is great for not only the consumer, but also the brand, we have a lot of opportunity now to drive additional engagement. And so this is an example of crawling, you know, we're seeing, you know, again, really short but effective message, you know, letting them know, Hey, your orders out for delivery, and then go into that Malomo tracking page, great way to get them over to the site, get them engaging them with all the awesome things that yeah, it is outlined. So really effective way and really simple to set that up. If we want to think about maybe a little bit more of a run approach, again, using some more segmentation and personalization, here, we see an example of segmenting based upon, maybe we have, we know that we want to really focus on our VIP customers, and then create a branch for if someone's a VIP, they're gonna get a specific message. And then if they're not in that VIP segment, we're gonna send them something else. And so what the brand is doing here is they have an automation setup. So if someone's at VIP, we're automatically going to add another product to the order. And so they're letting them know, hey, you know, your order is shipped, here's the link to track it. And by the way, you're gonna get something special when your order. So you're building a lot of hype, and maybe even more engagement to go click on that link and or they get engaged. And this is great, because, you know, not only are we letting them know about the order being shipped, but also you know, getting a little bit more excited. And we could really do this on a variety of things, you know, promoting a loyalty program, for example, maybe you just want to offer an additional coupon, promoting some content, etc. But again, really just segmenting to create a little bit more personalized experience when it's out for delivery. Here, we're going to get to the final message type here, which is ordered delivered. And this is the moment where the customer really has been waiting for it. And so it's a big opportunity to stand out through some effective personalization. This is kind of a crawl approach here. Again, you know, just letting them know that the order has arrived, and inviting them back to that landing page getting more traction to them. So great way to just kind of keep a simple approach. But if we wanted to get a little bit more sophisticated, we can incorporate conversational SMS now. So once the product has been delivered, you know, we're letting them know to come to get more information. We're also inviting them to start to text back with us now. And for those of you who don't know what a two way journey is, this really allows us to utilize keywords to create personalized messaging paths for our subscribers, and they invite the subscriber to reply, and based upon their response, send them a relevant message related to that keyword. And what these do is they can inspire immediate action, maybe help you to uncover preferences about your customer, and even gamify some of that experience and keep it interactive. The average response rate that we see on this type of text is about 42%, I can't think of another direct response marketing channel that gets that type of response rate. So this is a really great way for you to start kind of getting customers to text back with you. And as you start to kind of really look at this in this example, what we're doing is we're actually giving them an onboarding guide. So how your product has been delivered. Now, here's some different things that you can start to do to learn more about your product. So they could text back to learn more about how to brew their coffee, you know, recipes, maybe food pairings and even get in touch with customer service. And what's really cool about these journeys is that they actually allow us to obtain data on the customer two. So let's say the customer text back that they're interested in recipes, right here, if they reply back to for recipes, we're going to tag them with a custom attribute that they're interested in recipes. And then we're going to send them that personalized text with that update or that that information that they wanted on the recipes. So not only are they getting what they want, but we're also learning that they may be interested in recipes. So what's really cool about this now is that what we can do even further and say they reply back, they're interested recipes, we can actually then create a customer segment, that tells us that anyone is interested in recipes, we're going to put them in this customer segment. So maybe we then we could think about how we want to retarget this customer with a future SMS campaign, downstream. So really, this is a great way for us to kind of think about, you know, we're giving them a transactional update, we're getting them engaged, they're coming to them along with tracking page. And then maybe we're also getting an opportunity to really learn more about the customer. And also just give them a little bit more of an onboarding experience. So this is a great way to be really personalized with some of that. And this is my final kind of tip that I'll give you with all of this. And this is really leveraging a cool service that we just launched here at attentive called the tenant concierge. And you can leverage this within every single Malomo journey to really maximize serve that one to one customer service kind of approach. And for those of you who don't know, attended concert years, it's is a managed service that handles inbound replies at real time speed. So we strive for about three minutes or less something, each reply. And these helped to drive better customer experiences and revenue. And one of our biggest issues that merchants face with SMS is that when they get inbound replies from the customer, they can't reply to it in a timely manner. And so with concierge, what we're doing is we're giving you a team of experts employed by attentive, who texts your customers on behalf of your brand, in real time to answer those questions to provide customer support, and drive additional sales too. We found from from our results that customers spend about 31% more on average when they respond and engage in conversational text. And so these are really empowering you to have that in house customer service team, without having to scale that team, which is really effective if you're a smaller brand, or even if you're a bigger brand, and just don't want to put emphasis on having someone manning the SMS kind of conversations. And the great thing, again, as I mentioned, is that we can use this across every single automated journey campaign, and even in our Malomo journeys. So to say someone, you know, needs some kind of information, and they respond that to one of those Malomo journeys, saying, Hey, I have a question, you know, we're actually going to use concierge now to really have that conversation in real time, and get them that level of service that they're expecting. And so this really allows us some great opportunities to build that kind of surprise and delight moment, in addition to giving them all this transactional information. So, kind of outline a little bit, I think of kind of what's possible, you know, with the tenant and the integration that we have you heard Malomo. But I think that this quote really encapsulates in an amazing customer success story of, you know, chowder heads of the brain that I had mentioned, I'll let you read the quote, but I think it is really sums up the effectiveness and the power that this integration is having on retention, growing SMS list, and also just building a better customer experience, overall. And with that, I'll pass it back over to Mariah.
Mariah Parsons 36:55
Yes, thank you, Blake. And thank you Yao for sharing. That was phenomenal. I know we went a tad bit into our q&a time, but it was so great that I didn't have the heart to cut a short. So with that, we are going to move into our q&a and keep those questions coming. If any of our attendees have any other obligations that are really calling your name. Thank you for sharing your time with us. I do want to highlight that we are offering both to current attentive and new customers a free trial and attentive has graciously offered the same. So please feel free to scan those QR codes. I will send the links to those codes in a bit as well. So you can click on those. But I want to get the q&a rolling. So from Annie, we got a question. And that question is, are these journeys offered as out of the box templates in attentive? So Blake, do you want to go ahead and take that one first?
Blake Imperl 37:42
Yeah, good question. And they are and so with these journeys, you're gonna have some out of the box templates to kind of build from and and really kind of get up and running very quickly. So yeah, a lot of that will be set up for you. And also, I wanted to add on that too. Like, if you're working with our client strategy team, which everyone had a ton of, we'll get a client Strategy Manager to work with them. We're happy to help optimize, set those up QA and all that good stuff, too. So we were really there to guide you along the way.
Mariah Parsons 38:11
Some great things like, next question, and we're gonna be rapid firing these back so we could get everyone's questions in. Can you send transactional messages without the Malomo? Integration? We are currently offering transactional messaging through Shopify. I'd love it if we had a more personalized experience through attentive and if it makes sense from a cost perspective. And that is from Kristin. So Blake, do you want to take that one again? And then yeah, if you have something to add, then we'll follow up.
Blake Imperl 38:40
Sure, yeah. So we can send these transactional messages through just a traditional transactional path and attentive and yeah, that works with our Shopify integration. But I will tell you, there's a lot of limitations. And I think, you know, I hope I outlined really the benefit of using Malomo here is that like, we're giving them a much more brand new experience and leveraging all of the awesome features that you mentioned. I don't want to step on your toes. Yeah, but you kind of chime in on that. But I think it really is like a much better way to think about a branded customer experience when you're leveraging this integration. So yes to both of those.
Yaw Aning 39:12
Yeah. And to add to Blake to what I think we've seen in Blake correct me if I'm wrong, you can send a limited number of those status types using the Shopify integration like if you want to get more granular and kind of the the winning orders moving in transit into reaches problems states, like, you know, delays along the journey stalled shipments or you want to do pre shipment, but post order messaging, like those in between touchpoints that really provide that proactive messaging approach. Our integration provides that richness where they Shopify direct integration doesn't allow you to send those those kinds of messages in between that those touch points.
Blake Imperl 39:56
Yeah, I the last thing I'll add to to I think, you know, I mentioned that stat is 7% of consumers wanting these tax to, these are some of the most important messages you're ever going to send, you know, to a customer and like really thinking about all those in between tax, how its branded the experience like those go a long way, I think in adding just a positive impact to your customer.
Mariah Parsons 40:16
Awesome, great. Thank you both for chiming in on that. This next question is from Joe. And he asks, if we are already using Malomo with clay VO, how does this work with a tentative so we're not double dipping that customer anything he means from like the email and SMS side. So how can you use both of those to really complement complement your retention strategy?
Blake Imperl 40:36
Yeah, that's a great, great question. And so orchestration is super important. You know, how you look at, you know, channel affinity, even like if someone engaged on email versus text and things along that that, but I will say, you know, and I think what would be our show with that, that diagram of kind of those touch points and looking at where it makes sense to maybe, to leverage, you know, for an order, confirm, maybe you're sending a text instead of an email for that touch point, but maybe then you want to use email a little bit further along the journey. So I really think it's important to think about like, where it makes sense that you don't have to use everything that I showed today, like you could just use text for to those touch points, then we use email for the other couple that we want to set up. And so you can definitely set them up to orchestrate across you know, if you just want to text an email, we can totally do that. Or we can also just kind of set them up in different ways. So kind of kind of really up to you and how you want to kind of think about that, but we give you the ability with our integration with clay vo to kind of orchestrate some of that, too.
Mariah Parsons 41:35
Yeah, do you have anything? Are we ready?
Yaw Aning 41:36
No. I mean, like, like, yeah, like, nailed it. Yeah. covered it.
Mariah Parsons 41:41
And we touched upon this next question. But I wanted to make sure that Jenna got the answer that she was looking for. So she asks, Is this journey already pre built in attentive? And I think that's in reference to the chatter heads examples that we were that Blake went through? And are these examples the same as setting up order confirmed, ordered ship order delivered, that are already found in the tentative pre built journeys? Or how do we find this? How do we find that setting to get this journey set up? Is it in a different section? Thank you.
Blake Imperl 42:11
Sure. So this will be if you set up the integration within the attendant dashboard, you connect a tentative and Malomo, you're gonna get access to those triggers. And that's where you would set them up in the journey builder. So there'll be separate and how you actually create those journeys. And you'll see the events for for those Malomo specific triggers. So yeah, they are similar. But I think coming back to that question of kind of like the difference between the two and really the value that that we're adding by connecting the two, that's that's sort of like the the thought process there.
Mariah Parsons 42:43
And thanks. Thank you. And our next question is from Oscar and he asked, Can we have the tracking page under our domain, instead of at the Malomo? URL? So yeah, if you want to take this on, and maybe talk about like Malomo. Jas and those new features?
Yaw Aning 42:58
Yeah, for sure. So we, we aim to let merchants have complete control of the customer experience. And so we have kind of two pathways, one where we host the tracking experience for you. And one of the reasons why we do that is what we've seen when people track their their orders, they have different needs than when they're tracking or when they're when they're placing their orders on the buying experience. So one of the most clicked elements on our tracking experiences is navigation. And most of the time customers are looking for a lot of information around support problems, returns account management, it allows you to host a different navigation, different elements than you would during the buying experience. And all of the elements are very much like purchase driven. So that's one of the reasons why we hosted separate. But we also have a new feature that that we've rolled out called Malomo. JS, where you can actually integrate your tracking experience into your existing storefront and manage the tracking page content the same way you'd manage your storefront content. So it lives under your domain. It's actually baked into your theme. And you've got complete control on the hosts that experience and the tracking element is powered by Malomo in the background.
Mariah Parsons 44:17
Thanks. Yeah, I want to be conscious of everyone's time. So with that we we will make sure that any outstanding questions we didn't get to because they were really coming in hot at the end there, we will make sure to follow up with you all both from the tentative and Malomo side. So with that, thank you all for those of you who asked questions engaged and made the time to be here on this webinar, we hope that we could provide some value to your day. And I want to thank both the 10 of in the Malomo teens for getting this upper integration up and running. And for hosting this webinar. It has been phenomenal. And of course a very special thanks to Yao and Blake for coming on sharing your expertise with us and telling us more about this partnership. If you have any other outstanding questions that you didn't post in the chat or any that come up later, please feel free to reach out to us and we will make sure that we answer those questions and let you know and connect you with anyone that we need to. So Goodbye, everyone. Thank you again for coming. It is wonderful to see you all out here and engaging.
Yaw Aning 45:17
Awesome. Thank you. Thank you, Mara. Thank you lakes.
Mariah Parsons 45:21
Hi everyone. I'll see ya